Robust transformers, powerful rotors
The rotor blades in wind turbines – as in helicopters – are mounted in such a way that their angle can be adjusted. This is crucial for making optimal use of the available wind.
A wind turbine generates electricity at wind speeds of four metres per second or more. At full speed, the tips of the rotor blades turn at over 200 km/h, and during storms a wind turbine is normally shut down. To achieve maximum output at any wind speed, the rotor blades have to adjust continuously and automatically to the wind speed. This is done by the pitch control, which contains inductors made by Phoenix Mecano.
The pitch system adjusts the angle of the rotor blades, thereby generating more or less drive on the blades. This determines the power output of the wind turbine. Twisting the rotor blades alters the blade pitch angle so that the drive and thus the power transmission are adapted to the wind and the desired output. The system requires the control of this adjustment process to be extremely reliable, as turbines are exposed to wind, weather and a wide range of temperatures day after day.
The inductive components are suitably robust and serviceable, which reduces turbine down-time. Maintenance work on wind turbines is complex, because the entire control system is high above the ground. Components whose robustness allows them to withstand continuous use require less maintenance, which increases turbine output.